Extrajudicial killings of civilians continue in Ahwaz

Jaafar Shejairat, killed extrajudicially by Iran security forces

PADMAZ- Iran security forces killed extra-judicially the Ahwazi intellectual, Jaafar Shejairat, in Boroomi district in Ahwaz on Thursday 17th February 2022.

This Ahwazi activist was shot by Iran security forces on the street and lost his life.

This is the 5th extra-judicial killing which is committed by Iran security forces in Ahwaz during the last three weeks.

According to PADMAZ sources, more than 215 Ahwazis have been killed extra-judicially by the fire of Iran security forces, since 2015, on the streets or during arrests in the homes of the victims.

Most of the victims of extra-judicial killings, committed by Iran security forces in Ahwaz, are the young men ranging between 23 to 30 years old. Several children and women are among the victims.

Several Ahwazi motorcyclists are killed extra-judicially on the streets in Ahwaz without any warning.

PADMAZ calls on UN and human rights organizations to stop the extrajudicial mass killings in Ahwaz.