Ahwazi demonstration in London in support of the uprising of nations in Iran

At the invitation of the Coordinating Committee for the Ahwazi demonstrations in UK, a demonstration was held on Sunday, October 16, 2022, in front of the Iranian embassy in London, in which many members of the Ahwazi community in the United Kingdom and a number of Baluchi, Azerbaijani and Kurdish people attended.
The demonstrators, who attended in support of the widespread protests of the nations in Iran, chanted slogans against the Iranian terrorist regime and denounced the crimes committedby the Iranian forces to suppress peaceful demonstrators.
The attendees raised the Ahwaz and Baluchi flags, the picture of the martyr Imad Al-Haidari, who was killed under torture in the Iranian regime’s custody, as well as pictures of a number of victims of the recent protests from other nations, they also were caring banners through which denounced the repressive policies of the Iranian regime.
Mehrab Sarjo, a Baluchi activist, gave a speech at this demonstration in which he stressed that the right of self-determination for nations is a legitimate right guaranteed by the international laws, and it is the right of any nation to enjoy this right.
The Ahwazi writer and journalist Mr. Youssef Azizi Bani -Torof also delivered a speech in which he explained that the Ahwazi Arab nation has sacrificed more than any other nationfor freedom, human rights and the right to self-determination. The speaker stressed that the struggle of nations in Iran will lead to the overthrow of this regime sooner or later. Mr. Bani Torof also made it clear that the Ahwazi nation, by raising the slogan : “We Sacrifice our soul and blood for you,, Ahwaz,” in fact they are demanding the right of self-determination.
As this demonstration was covered by some TV channels, you can watch Al-Hurra TV report in the link below .
At the end of the demonstration, the final statement of the demonstration was read as follows:

The Human, the homeland, the right to self-determination
Oh, the struggling Ahwazi people,
Oh, the revolting nations in Iran,
The world has closely followed the continuous uprising and the massive demonstrations that have engulfed all the regions and cities in Iran against the criminal and terrorist regime in Tehran, this regime that has become like a rock on the chests of millions of people of the nations in the political geography of Iran.
This revolt and protest in which all nations and all other society segments participated, as no nation remained silent but had a prominent presence in these demonstrations, and no other segment of the society remained silent, all raise their voices to express their rejection of the terrorist regime in Iran.
The participation of different nations in the current uprising and the presence of various societal sectors in the ongoing demonstrations indicate that the state of anger and resentment has pervaded all society’s segments of social and ethnic orientations and that the Iranian regime has lost its legitimacy. The important thing that deserves attention is that the non-Persian nations and the other minority groups that affected by the regime see themselves in one trench in their struggle against the criminal regime of Iran, so they have reached collective belief of the necessity of supporting each other. As well as to be a golden opportunity and a means to express their opinion and demand their national rights.
– Revolting Nations in Iran,
The continuation of your recent uprising which has entering its fifth week since its outbreak on September 16, 2022, and the widening of the protests is a clear evidence of your determination to achieve your demands, impose your will, and to determine your destiny by yourselves. And if this indicates anything, it only indicates that this blessed uprising is on the verge of moving to the stage of a massive revolution that will overthrow the entity of injustice and the oppressors.
– Protesting nations all over Iran,
We know that the criminal Iranian regime has used various weapons and means to suppress and quell your uprising and has killed dozens, wounded hundreds, and arrested thousands of innocent people, but your continuation of protests and demonstrations, and your determination to continue your revolution proved to the world that oppression and injustice cannot resist the will of nations and that your will, will be the victor. The Tunisian poet, Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi, was right when he said:
“If, one day, a people desires to live, then fate will answer their call.
“And their night will then begin to fade, and their chains break and fall.”
And here and in the current timing, you have written in history the most wonderful features and heroism in the fields of struggle for freedom and a decent life and for your own self-determination rights.

The bloods that were shed on the streets of cities and provinces, and the lives that lost in the regime’s fearsome cells, will not be in vain and will be a torrential stream that overthrows the throne of oppressive tyrants like the Iranian occupation regime. The pure blood of martyrs of different nations and ethnicities like the blood of the Ahwazi martyr Imad al-Haidari, the blood of 91 martyrs of Baluchistan who were killed by live bullets of the Iranian security forces, the Kurdish martyr Gina (Mahsa) Amini, the Turkish martyr Hadith Najafi and the rest of the martyrs who were killed by the Iranian security forces will reap decent results and overthrow the terrorist regime of Iran.
– Protesting Nations all over Iran,
We, the members of the Ahwazi community in the UK, have gathered today in a demonstration in front of the embassy of the Iranian regime, to be your voice and to declare our support and solidarity with your uprising, and at the same time we emphasize the following points:
1- We declare our full support for the ongoing demonstrations and protests in Iran, and stress the necessity of their continuation
2- We condemn the suppression of demonstrations and the killing of innocent demonstrators by the Iranian security forces
3- We call on the international community, especially the United Kingdom, to put pressure on the Iranian regime to prevent it from suppressing and killing protesters
4- These protests carry messages to the international community that the world must listen to the voices of the protesters, and take their demands into account. Therefore, we call on the international community to intervene quickly to support the struggle of the nations in Iran to achieve their demands, especially their right to self-determination
5- We call on the international community to impose sanctions on the Iranian regime, especially on senior officials and military leaders in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard corps
6- By cutting off the internet in the country, the Iranian regime is trying to impede the voice of the people’s uprising from reaching the world, so we demand the international media allocate special programs to cover what is happening within the Iranian geopolitics
7- Iranian embassies in the world have become nests for spying on activists abroad, destabilizing the security of countries, and supporting terrorists. Therefore, we call on Western countries, especially the United Kingdom, to expel Iranian ambassadors and sever relations with this terrorist regime.
8- In this sensitive time and situation in which we need to close ranks, we call upon the Iranian opposition to take a step forward to recognize the rights of the oppressed nations in Iran, in order for efforts to unite, and for the nations’ uprising to be more efficient in terms of the results and to speed up the overthrow of this criminal regime.
9- Last but not least, we address our valiant Ahwazi nation, as one of the nations most affected by the Iranian occupation regime, and tell them that in recent years you have proven your faith in the civil movement and mass uprisings to achieve your demands, which has made our nation a prominent place among the nations inside Iran, based on that, At the present time when Iran is witnessing a comprehensive movement and a wide uprising, and with our awareness of the prevailing security situation imposed by the Iranian forces in various cities and neighborhoods in Al-Ahwaz, we stress the need to break this imposed barrier and the importance of the Ahwazi nation having a prominent role in this movement.
Glory and eternity to the martyrs of freedom
disgrace and shame for unjust tyrants
Victory will belong to the people
The Ahwazi community in the United Kingdom
16th of October 2022